Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

Jord Wood Watches

Photography by Galuh Pandu Larasati

 Hello everyone ! I am so honoured to collaborate with JORD Wood Watches. They  sent me an adorable  custom watch from USA (The brands ships internationally). 2016 has been good to me so far. Thanks to God. I have lots of wonderful project to do and i love being busy !

Today, I was wearing my favorite Cora Watch series.These wooden watches are so uniquely  eye catching-making the most perfected statement pieces. I am amazed by the beauty of their watches and by the fact that JORD Wood Watches made theirs from 100% natural wood only. The wood frame is beautifully colored, everything’s shiny yet, still natural. Lately i adore gypsy style, and it’s so coincidence that the watch match to this current style of mine. And it is indeed truly match to other kind of fashion styles. This is My favourite watch ever! I am totally in love with it ! <3


The watches are handcrafted out of wood and focus on showcasing the luxe of natural materials. The glass itself made from sapphire glass. It is  known in the luxury watch world as the definitive material for transparency and durability. JORD stays true to their mission of quality and craftsmanship by incorporating this same glass in many of our premium timepieces. 
Is it beautiful, right ? I can easily match my watch to many outfits and this shape works well both with men and women. Yay !

Please visit their website for further details http://www. woodwatches.com/

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Happy Independence Day, Indonesia !

(dari kiri ke kanan : Bapak Mudjab Widjaya, Galuh Pandu Larasati, 
Ibu Widayati Sri Wulandari, Lintang Pandu Pratiwi ) 
Ibu, Bapak, adik, dan saya seusai upacara Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia siang ini. Mengharukan rasanya melihat antusiasme dan gelora semangat yang tergambar jelas di raut wajah Bapak dan Ibu saat mengangkat bendera merah putih untuk menghormati kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. Bapak yang berusia hampir 80 tahun merupakan saksi hidup detik-detik Proklamasi Kemerdekaan tahun 1945. Menyaksikan drama kemanusiaan penjajahan dengan segala persoalannya, rakyat Indonesia sebagai pesakitan, berbusana kain blacu, didera cemas akan perang yang tak kunjung henti, jerit tangis, kematian, dan darah yang tertumpah di mana-mana.

Terimakasih para pahlawan yang bertempur seperti singa-singa berani. "Kami menggoyangkan langit, menggempakan darat, dan menggelorakan samudera agar jadi bangsa yang hebat. Bangsa yang kerja keras, bukan bangsa kuli. Bangsa yang rela menderita demi pembelian cita-cita," demikian kata Bung Karno. Jauh sebelumnya gaya revolusi dan buah pikiran Tan Malaka.menginspirasi rakyat untuk merdeka dari penjajah, kemerdekaan juga tak lepas dari peran diplomasi Sjahrir dan pemikiran visioner dari Bung Hatta. Sejarah berdirinya republik tak pernah habis untuk dibahas.

Tahun kemarin, untuk menghormati hari kemerdekaan, warga di sekitar tempat tinggal kami mengadakan malam tirakatan. Warga memberikan sumbangsih buah pemikirannya untuk memeriahkan acara ini. Tak ketinggalan pula kami, Ibu menyanyikan lagu-lagu tentang perjuangan, Bapak memberikan sambutan bicara tentang riwayat proklamasi, saya membaca puisi, dan adik sebagai pembawa acara.

Namun agak terlena, tahun ini tak terlihat semangat itu. Bahkan tak satupun rumah yang nampak memasang bendera merah putih. Sedih rasanya memikirkan itu.
Sebagai bangsa Indonesia, kita sepatutnya memahami bagaimana negara ini berdiri dan belajar dari sejarah. Perjuangan para pahlawan membawa kita sampai ke titik ini, di mana kita bebas bernafas dan bebas berkarya. Meski bangsa ini masih tercabik-cabik dan belum sepenuhnya merdeka.

Jangan sampai semangat itu lumat terkubur dalam-dalam.

Mari kita berkarya. Mari kita bekerja.


Batu, 17 Agustus 2015

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015

Kreasi Tenun Ikat

Illustration by Lintang Pandu Pratiwi
Photography by Galuh Pandu Larasati

This year has been incredible so far. Many media have been interviewing me ( Net Tv, Malang Tv, Malang express, Malang Post, malangvoice.com, Cita Cinta Magazine, Kompas ) for my work as children's book author, illustrator, and fashion blogger. Thankyou so much! It's always good to have my work appreciated :)

This year, i have set aside my time for collaborations with different brands. One of my favourite brands is from Kreasi Tenun Ikat ! Look at this beautiful dress ! I couldn't helped myself, i am really in love with this dress made with kain tenun ikat. The texture and colour, every single ornament and design on tenun ikat is just amazing. And also it is an Indonesian/local label so it makes me so proud.

I wear this beautiful Kreasi Tenun Ikat dress on my interview for Net Tv. See the full video on https://youtu.be/t9uJSOH7MUY

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Grandma, I will Miss You...

My Grandma is died. Sri Pantiyah. 22/07/2013. Eyes so blurry with tears.  
Rest in Peace, Oh Grandma ...

I really can't write anything tonight, There is so so so much to tell about you , Grandma. I can't write anything because that is just make me can't stop crying to remember all sweetest things about you, Grandma.... 

 (Illustrated to honor Grandma with eyes full of tears, 
Grandma ... I remember your beautiful smile. That i pray to  see again someday ... )



Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Little Paradise

Recording the mood and emotion of life is my passion . Art inspire my life. I can’t seem to live by routine , i can’t do the same things every single day. I need art, fashion, and color in life in order to  keep breathing. And above all the important thing i need is love. I like to do many exciting things, we just live once, so why don’t do what you love to do?  

Especially in fashion, i never full of vintage style.  One thing i find inspiring is how to use crochet in fashion. Here I wear my handmade crochet lace and tiny rose bracelets crochet in my hand in these photos. I admire crochet so much and i think there is no reason not to love them. They always ready to new surprise ! But behind the beauty, it’s so hard to crochet and try your patience level. Of course the patience will contribute greatly to your success or failure with crochet.Well it’s just like life to be patience to reach your goals.

These photos are shot at small path near river. And there is a classical old tree in the bridge ( I will take pictures of it next time FYI ). Being there,  I see a tiny little paradise. 

Illustration by Lintang Pandu Pratiwi
Photography by Galuh PL

To play the softly color purple skirt with yellow hat and shoes is the best. What do you think ?

The white crochet lace and the little red bracelets crochet is my own handmade. Yohoo